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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004


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Calendar of Events

Month or Day
Event Result

February 14th
St. Valentines Day The lake is temporarily renamed, "Lover's Lake."

March 16th
St. Urho's Day Finlanders temporarily rename the lake, "St. Urho's Lake."

March 17th
St. Patrick's Day The lake is temporarily renamed, "Lake O'Gilbert."

Easter The lake is temporarily renamed, "Bunny Lake."

May 17th
Norwegian Constitution Day The lake is temporarily renamed, "Gilbert Fjord."

July 4th
Independence Day The lake is temporarily renamed, "Star Spangled Lake."

October 12th
Columbus Day Boats, named the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria come ashore.

October 31st
Holloween Gilbert Lodge is renamed "Gilbert Haunted Castle."
December 24th & 25th Christmas
Gilbert Lake is known as "Santa's Runway."

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page last edited 06/09/2024