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                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Sunday, August 5, 2012:  Mark was glued to the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) webcast at:

Mars Rover Curiosity landed on the planet Mars at 12:32 AM Central Daylight time.

It was described as the most sophisticated robotic device ever in the history of man.

Mark was definitely "thumbs up" on this one.
NASA computer simulation to the left.

Things went exceptionally well bringing the spacecraft to a safe landing from a 13,000 mile per hour trajectory.

This probe is billed as the MSL (Mars Science Laboratory), which should do Mars exploration for some time to come. 

It may learn the answer to the question, "Is there or was there life on Mars?"

It was a happy time in NASA Mission Control when the landing was deemed a success.

Thanks to NASA for the photos.

Mark has been interested in the space program since he was in grade school.  He attended Space Camp at Huntsville, Alabama, in 1991.  It was an exciting time for 15 adults to learn the operation of the U.S. Space Shuttle Atlantis and fly two simulated space missions over a four day period. 

Quote of the day:  NASA...Lead on!.   Mark    < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 08/13/2012