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Museum of Broadcasting
Sunday, August 14, 2016:  American Civil War era Union troops lined up for morning inspection at Civil War Days in Pipestone, Minnesota.
President Abraham Lincoln reviewed them. 
The troops looked very good.
Civilians and soldiers-to-be watched as the president inspected the troops.
Then locals were making music for event attendees.
David Rambow, Historic Site Coordinator and H. H. Bennett photographer, took pictures the way it was done back then.
The image was developed in chemicals while the crowd watched. 
You'll notice that left and right are reversed.  This is because the image you see is on what we would later call a "negative."
Vendors of all sorts from the 1860s were there selling their goods too.
When was the last time you bought from a tin smith?
A banner for the 100th Regiment of the Indiana Volunteers was unfurled. 
Union General Ulysses S. Grant was there along with a two-piece brass band. 
A young guy was hoping to join up to fight that day.

Then all heck broke loose.  A union canon went off with fire and a deep throated roar.
Union soldiers started firing at rebels who were spotted nearby.
The rebels fired back.
More rebels opened fire from nearby woods.
A rebel canon got into the act too.
Then the rebels charged.
Union soldiers cut them down.
Fate took a turn for the worse for the rebels with many dead and dying.
More union soldiers showed up and all that was left was for the rebels to be taken prisoner after the union won.
President Abraham Lincoln and others were pleased with the result. 
The union will win this struggle and we will be united again.  E pluribus unum (out of many, one)

September 6, 2016 email comment:  These are some of the very best photos I have ever seen anybody take at the event!  You did a great job!!! Thanks for sharing and doing such a super job!   Wish I could have taken pictures as nice as these!  Mylan in Pipestone, Minnesota.

Quote of the day:    A somewhat unforgettable experience.   Mark    < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

Questions, Comments?  Email Mark Persons  teki@mwpersons.com

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page last edited 09/06/2016