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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Saturday August 9, 2014:  Mark and Paula attended Civil War Days in Pipestone, Minnesota.
Held once every two years, it draws large groups of Civil War re-enactors and the general public.
Union troops were given instructions by their commander early in the day.
Much of the time was spent with camp life and preparing for battle later in the day.
Lots of colorful and interesting people were found at the event.
Even Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, showed up to inspect the troops and watch the battle.
Abe is 205 years old this year and Mrs. Lincoln won't tell how old she is!
Mark pulled a $5 bill out of his pocket and showed it to Mr. Lincoln.  Then Lincoln grabbed the bill and signed it.  Mark still has that bill.
See them on previous entries in this blog at http://gilbertlodge.com/2012/08-11-12-civil-war-days-1.html and http://gilbertlodge.com/2012/08-12-12-civil-war-days-2.html

Lots of music around campfires.
Confederate General Robert E. Lee was there to inspect the troops.
Lots of interesting faces. 
Then the canons roared and a battle was beginning.
Things were going fairly well for the northern boys in blue....at least in the beginning.
Then the Confederate southern boys received fresh replacements.  The northerners were outnumbered.
The Confederates won the day.  Plenty of dead on the battlefield

Quote of the day:  A real history lesson!   Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 08/17/2014