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Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Wednesday, October 19, 2011:  There was a public tour of the new 30 Million Dollar waste treatment plant which serves Brainerd and Baxter. 

It was pointed out that waste water returned to the Mississippi River from this plant is cleaner than the water already flowing down the river.

Computer displays showed what was going on in the plant at every moment.  An impressive sight.
The size and scale of the facility is amazing.  The plant handles 2.5 million gallons of waste water per day.  That includes some from Gilbert Lodge. 
Mark was interested in some of the instrumentation.  It even measures vibration in motor bearings to detect wear and prevent catastrophic failure.

Bumper sticker:  "If it wasn't for plumbers, you'd have no place to go!"

Later that day, a crew of five showed up from Norlake Dock Service to take the pier (dock) in from Gilbert Lake at Gilbert Lodge.  Headed by Jason Kitzman, they are an efficient crew.  218-820-2490.  

Quote of the day: Summer is definitely over when the dock is in.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 11/07/2011