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Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Tuesday, August 23, 2011: Maintenance man Mark at Gilbert Lodge passed along this tip for getting rid of ants.  You purchase Terro Ant Killer.  Its intended use is to put this liquid on small squares of cardboard.  Ants are attracted it it, eat it, and die.  Mark removed the middle man (cardboard square) out of the scenario and took the poison directly to the ants.
He did this by pouring eight or so drops of the liquid right on each ant hill entrance.  In this case it was ants digging a home and spreading sand above the driveway.  After enough time they could excavate enough sand to cause collapse of the driveway pavement. 

Well, it didn't take much and the ants are nowhere to be found a day later.  This trick really works well.

Later in the day:  There is the signpost up ahead, where were the Dynamic Duo of Mark and Paula headed that evening?  
What's the story here?  Oh, Paula bought a chocolate Dilly at the Brainerd Dairy Queen! 

When Paula was a teenager, she worked as a "Dairy Queen" sell ice cream at this very same location near the Mississippi River on Washington Street. 

Quote of the day:  Paula is living the good life.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 11/26/2011