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Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

July 4, 2009:  Uncle Jack Scott is busy cutting ham and turkey for family and guests attending the annual Independence Day celebration at his lake place.

Paula never passes up good food. She is a great chef and likes to sample what other people cook.  Some of the world's best food is found at venues like this.

After lunch, the young guys were out practicing their golf swings.       

Soon, the annual boat parade began with an American Flag....what else!

More boats with people having a great time.  It was 76 degrees and mostly sunny.

The Statue of Liberty was proudly proclaimed on this one.   

The flag is flying for everyone to see.  God bless America. 

The annual egg toss is a fun event.

It looks like he will catch the egg....and he did!  Looks like we will have a Minnesota Twins baseball player in the family. 

Yes, this was an all-American holiday.  A fun time was had by all.

Fireworks in Brainerd, MN, were put on by Brainerd Community Action.

The event is billed as "world class fireworks."  The crowd of thousands agreed. 

Quote of the day:  Wear pride on your sleeve.  US Army General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower

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page last edited 07/05/2009