December 9, 2023:
Mark and Paula drove to Galena,
Illinois. The town reminded them of Stillwater, MN, where the town
is along a river and there are antique stores.

Before Mark knew it, Paula had a hand
on Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant's leg. Hmmm.
This must be the car owned by the
Mark was busy photographing girls with
holiday lights.
Locals were singing Christmas songs on
the street.
Holiday decorations were everywhere
and more were being made that day.
Then Paula ran into the Grinch!
Fortunately he was behind a store window and couldn't get out.
Imagine that, Santa knows how to play
a bag pipe.
The streets came alive with people
after dark.

Store windows had people in them.
Dorothy and the Straw Man were there
from the Wizard of Oz.
Better be good, Santa was checking his