Thursday, July 14,
A ham and cheese omelet, just the way Mark and Paula like it...and Paula
didn't have to cook!
The crew leaders
introduced themselves and told about the ship. The Orion is 743 feet
long with a 94.5 foot beam.
She is 47,000 tons. There were 824
passengers with a crew of 477.
Going into Valdez, there
is a statue dedicated to the workers of the Trans-Alaskan Oil Pipeline.
A helicopter picked up
Mark and Paula.
They flew to a nearby
glacier and saw that it is litterally a river of slow-moving ice.
The pilot was glad we
made a safe landing on uneven rock.
Then down to the glacier
they went.
Then Paula spotted an
ice worm. They live on glaciers.
There are unpredictable
holes in the glacier ice.
Mark was busy with his
camera documenting the adventure.
Paula, glaciers really
are rivers of ice!
Back in the air, they
found hillsides are alive with vegitation.
Hard to see in this
photo, but there were six goats on the hillside that day.
Back to Valdez, glad the
ship is still in port.
Here she is from the
other side.
Back on board with 70
degree weather.
Lively music inside. |