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                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Monday, September 5, 2011:  It was Labor Day.  Mark and Paula headed home after a four-day weekend.  Since they were headed north from Minneapolis and St. Paul, they had almost no traffic on their side of the road.  Those traveling south were in a stop-and-go situation.
They stopped at the Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Commerce rest stop just south of Brainerd along Highway 371.  They wanted to say hi to their long time friend Paul Bunyan
Pulling onto Island Drive, they found Terese Hirst and daughter Kirsten out front of their home admiring the summer flowers.
Minutes later, Paula is signing an arm cast on Elena Hirst.  Elena fell and injured her left wrist and is likely to have the cast on for six weeks.  Bummer!


Pine cones are appearing now that it is getting toward the end of summer. 
What's this?   One tree was spotted already turning color.  Fall is not far away!

Quote of the day:  Winter may be coming, but it is still a long ways off.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 09/12/2011