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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

On a Saturday, August 15th Leslie Kopietz and I took off for Portsmouth Campground to try to get some photos.  Another diver in front of us scared this 30 inch long walleye up from the weeds so we could take a photo.  The other diver, Jim Grier, used a stick to measure this big guy and then took the stick to shore.

Here is a better photo that Leslie was able to take of the monster walleye.

Leslie and those curious little sunnies again. 

At one point we looked up and were surrounded by thousands of minnows.  They don't photograph well but I had to include them.

The colors are just so neat to look at.   

When we popped up to find the exit this little painted turtle just shot over to check us out.  Cute little guy but he sure was on the move. 


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page last edited 08/19/2009