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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

August 12, 2009:  On a beautiful Wednesday morning with not a cloud in the sky Rob Fitzsimmons, Leslie Kopietz and I enjoyed a leisurely dive in at Connecticut Two Bit in the Huntington Mine pit near Crosby, MN.  This little guy wanted to know what we were doing in his pit.

On a clear day just look straight up and you will see bubbles, fish and amazing color.

Leslie is intently trying to get a good photo of this little sunfish. 

We sometimes run across old mining equipment or is this a car jack someone threw over the edge of the old mining pit?

This is the remains of a railroad track which was used to haul ore up from the bottom of the pit.  Unfortunately, the fish would not stay put for a nice photo.

Can you tell I like to take photos of sunfish?  They just swarm around as divers swim along.


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page last edited 08/16/2009