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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

August 30, 2009:  Paula was out picking fresh raspberries from the grounds of Gilbert Lodge.  They taste great on morning cereal and ice cream dessert. 

Along Oak Street in Brainerd, MN, Mark spotted a hobby gas station.  Of course the proprietor does not sell gas, but it is great to remember the "good old days" when gas was 29.9 cents/gallon back in the 1950's.   

August 6, 2009:  Gilbert Lake reflected the shoreline in its calm morning waters.  Yes, Minnesota is the land of sky blue waters.   

August 7, 2009:  Mark and Paula attended the Crow Wing County Fair at Brainerd, MN.  It is one of the best county fairs in the state.

Mark chose the turkey drum stick while Paula had a good-sized hamburger for dinner.  Shhh...please don't tell our doctor what we had to eat that day.    

August 8, 2009:  Back at Gilbert Lodge, Paula prepared beer-can chicken with a secret rub to add flavor.  She cooked it over an open can of beer on the bar-b-q along the Promenade Deck.  Here the chicken is being checked for temperature to make sure it was done properly.         

The chicken was complimented with fresh Minnesota sweet corn and home-grown green beans from neighbor TJ Hirst

It tasted every bit as good as it looked.         

You can't have a dinner like that without finishing it off with ice cream topped and chocolate syrup. 


Saying of the day:  If you come to a fork in the road, go that way!

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page last edited 08/09/2009