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Wednesday, August 17, 2024: Bean Hole Days in Pequot Lakes, MN.  Beans baked in the ground overnight
and were uncovered at noon this day. A cameraman was there from Lakeland Public TV.

Then beans were stirred with, of all things, a canoe paddle!

King and Queen Bean sampled the beans and gave their approval.

Then the beans were dished up for the 3000 participants. There were six pots of beans total.

Celebrities were anxious to see and be seen with Elvis. See, he is still alive!

A great crowd pleaser.

Kids had a good time too.

A fun event for everyone every year.

Quote of the day:    And the beans tasted good too  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

Questions, Comments?  Email Mark Persons  teki@mwpersons.com

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page last edited 08/12/2024