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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004

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         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons
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Saturday, June 8, 2024:
It all started out as a great day on Gilbert Lake. The engine was shut off to enjoy the beauty.
Then, the engine would not restart because of a dead battery!

After frantic hand signals, Mark and Paula were spotted and a young man came with a tow line.

The Minnow had drifted ashore and was then being towed back into the main lake, under the watchful eye of Paula.

This all went very smoothly.

It wasn't long before they arrived back at the Gilbert Lodge dock.

Quote of the day:    It is great to have neighbors who help in time of need.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

Questions, Comments?  Email Mark Persons  teki@mwpersons.com

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page last edited 07/07/2024