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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004

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                  Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons
       Member of the
     Pavek Museum
Gilbert lake Association

Saturday, May 18, 2024: 
Mark and Paula found themselves at the annual meeting of the Northland Antique Radio Club in Plymouth, MN.
Lots of old radios exhibits including this one with Nipper the dog listening for his master's voice.

There was an auction of old radios going on.

This 1950s vintage Zenith AM and shortwave radio was one of the items.

The bidding was tough, but Mark and Paula resisted the temptation to bring another relic home.

Here is a 1950s television. Wow, what a small screen!

The next day there was a tailgate sale with lots of great looking equipment.

Paula liked this car.

The speaker for the gathering was Mike Max, a sportscaster on WCCO Radio and Television.
He is a very energetic and entertaining person who worked day and night to develop his career.

Quote of the day:    A very intersting conference.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

Questions, Comments?  Email Mark Persons  teki@mwpersons.com

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page last edited 05/31/2024