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                  Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons
       Member of the
Gilbert lake Association

Museum of Broadcasting
Wednesday, July 27, 2016:  Deep Diver Paula was at the Minnesota School of Diving headquarters in Brainerd mapping out where to go on her next underwater adventure.  She, and thirteen other SCUBA divers, decided on Shangri-La, a dive site near Crosby, Minnesota.
They packed up two dive vans along with two trucks.  Then it is off through red muddy roads to the dive site, a former iron mining pit.
Paula's shirt had a dive flag and ugly fish on the back.
Time to suit up.  Paula chose a dry suit that day.  Lots of details. Divers help each other too  
Dive Master Tim Gack was keeping records of who went into the water at what time etc.  It is all a part of safe diving.
This man has "flip down/flip up" bi-focal lenses for diving.  Amazing!  Then the divers were off.
A Dive Master has several jobs.  First, he is the one who can jump in the water to save someone if there is a problem.  Second, he cooks for the divers who will return hungry.  He is also supposed to watch so the grill doesn't flame up...Tim!!
This is just some of what Deep Diver Paula saw that night.  She is not allowed to catch fish underwater even if she has a regular fishing license.  Darn!
Divers started dragging themselves out of the water after 45 minutes.  They dive in pairs.
Plenty of stories to tell.
Twelve of the divers returned, but Paula and her dive buddy were no where to be seen.  Everyone scanned the water for bubbles, but found none.
Hmmmm, I wonder if something has gone wrong?
Paula and her buddy FINALLY returned after 90 minutes underwater.  She must be part fish to stay down that long. 
Then the stories began.  Some of them true!
Lots to consider and talk about when it comes to SCUBA diving.
Sunset that night was very interesting as seen over the Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport.
Back at the dive shop, there was a strategy meeting for the next dive they might take.

Quote of the day:    Diving is interesting, but not for me.   Mark    < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

Questions, Comments?  Email Mark Persons  teki@mwpersons.com

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page last edited 08/07/2016