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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Tuesday, September 9, 2014: 
Mark and Paula were in Grand Marais, Minnesota, overnight and were greeted to a sunrise cutting through clouds near the horizon over Lake Superior.
Even the moon was shining in the western sky at that early hour.
Paula spent time looking for agates and other items along the lake shore.  She wasn't the only one.

Then it was up another 40 miles, almost to the Canadian border. 
Lots to see at this national park. 
Grand Portage tells the story of fur trading starting in the 1700s.  The portage (carrying goods overland) is 8.2 miles from Lake Superior to the Pigeon River.  It was a heavily used east-west trading route.  

Furs from the Norwest Territories found their way to Europe and goods from there were brought back to America.

This park guide was wearing a period costume and glasses from 200 or more years ago.

She is serious about teaching history too.  Well done! 

Birch bark canoes were the main mode of transportation in this area back then.
Then it was on to Grand Portage State Park, just at the Canadian border.  High Falls is worth seeing if you don't mind walking a half mile to get there.

Finally it was back to Grand Marais.  The wind was kicking up a bit signaling a change in the weather.
The seagulls were doing well looking for food along the shore.

Speaking of food, the Angry Trout is a favorite spot for locals and visitors.

Whitefish from Lake Superior is one of their most popular items.

Quote of the day:  Another great day on the north shore of Lake Superior.   Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 09/20/2014