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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Friday, April 4, 2014: 
Mark spoke to the Association of Public Radio Engineers meeting in conjunction with a National Association of Broadcasters convention. 
About 80 attended to hear Mark talk about the right and wrong things to do in the broadcast engineering world.

Mark started the talk by telling about a university professor and his chauffeur Frank.  The professor was known for giving a marvelous lecture on a particular subject and was invited to give the same speech at many universities.  This was on the east coast where universities are close enough so the professor could be driven to each speaking engagement by Frank the chauffeur.  On one such trip, Frank told the professor that he had heard the speech so many times that even he could give it.  They agreed, pulled off the road, changed clothes, and the professor drove the car to the lecture hall that day.  Frank gave the speech flawlessly.  All was good until someone in the audience stood up and asked a very difficult question.   Without missing a beat, Frank said, "That is such a simple question that even my chauffeur standing in the corner could answer it!"

Then Shane Toven and Mark presented instruction on the use of electronic test equipment.
Shane is director of engineering for Wyoming Public Radio

Then it was out on the town for Mark and Paula.
They couldn't pass up the Venetian with gondolas plying the water in canals.
There was plenty of music to create a festive atmosphere.
They also saw a young couple at a waterfall as the evening went on.
Love is everywhere in Las Vegas.  Some even get married there.

Quote of the day:  There are so many scenes in Las Vegas.   Mark    < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 04/12/2014