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Gilbert Lodge
Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Friday, July 12, 2013: 

Friends Loren and Laura Beilke invited Mark and Paula out for a cruise on Gull Lake in their boat.

Mark wore his yachting shirt for the occassion.

They met at Ernie's on Gull....a popular spot for over 96 years.

Loren confidently piloted the vessel while Laura and Paula chattered.

Paula, are you telling another of your bigger-than-life stories?

The first stop was to the Gull Lake Yacht Club on the east side of Gull.

This organization has been racing sailing boats on the lake since 1947.

A new, very well done, building replaced the original one a few years back.

(l-r) Paula met with photographer friends Brenda Pfeffer, Mary Hendricks, and Loraine Northhagen.

Steve Anderson entertained the group while a charity fund raiser was going on.


It is the latest sport. 

They came across two people paddleboarding.

It is not too difficult, they say, after you get the hang of it. 


Finally, Loren and Laura headed off into the sunset after returning Mark and Paula to Ernie's.

Quote of the day:  Thanks to Laura and Loren Beilke for a wonderful evening.   Mark    < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 07/20/2013